A Petition on Change.org under the aegis of BeesForLife for The bill to combat the Asian hornet: to be voted on by our elected representatives on 11 April
Here is the content of the petition you can sign to show your support for the elected representatives in this vote to protect bees:https://www.change.org/BeesForLife
Contents of the petition
The Asian hornet is the archetypal invasive alien species: it arrived in France around 20 years ago, has proliferated and is now present throughout mainland France. Its adaptability, opportunism and the absence of predators capable of regulating its spread are at the root of its exponential development.
The national strategy for dealing with invasive exotic species provides only a partial response to this problem, with "hit-and-run" operations unable to stem the spread of this pest. A hornet colony eats 11 kg of insects in a single season!!! over 30% of which are bees!
The draft law put to the vote on 11 April aims to create a comprehensive and coherent control tool at national level, based on departmental plans drawn up by the prefects, introducing an obligation to report Asian hornet nests and establishing the principle of compensation for affected beekeepers. This is at the heart of BeesForLifeAsso's actions to protect biodiversity.
BeesForLifeAsso and its partners are involved in a number of biodiversity protection activities with tools that make it possible to implement this law immediately once it has been passed. To join the association: contact@beesforlifeasso.org
How BeesForLife is using its tools to respond to the proposed law
Bill to curb the proliferation of the Asian hornet and protect the beekeeping industry - in French only
1-Deady-to-use tools for managing the fight against the Asian hornet.We have developed these tools and have already used them in certain areas, providing practical solutions that can be put to immediate use. We believe that this can support your initiative by making it visible and effective on the ground, starting this year.
BeesForLife is involved in a number of biodiversity protection activities, for example with ITSAP as a speaker at webinars on the subject of combating hornets, and with the interprofessional sector, for example with UNAF, CARI in Belgium, the international Beecome trade fair in Quimper, the FNOSAD convention in Périgueux, and the interprofessional sector's 2023 hornet control plan initiatives. A version of the BeesForLife application has been developed and adapted to the Swiss situation and managed in the canton of Geneva by "L'Abeille de Genève"....
The tools are at the heart of articles 411-9-1; 411-9-2 and 411-9-3 (Paragraphs in red below)
The declaration, reporting and destruction monitoring module already used by municipalities and departments fully meets the requirements of articles L 411-9-1 1° and L 411-9-2.
The module for monitoring geolocalised trapping of Asian hornets can be configured according to the time requirements for control and meets the need for traceability, enabling compensation to be paid for damage attributed to the Asian hornet. This provides a monitoring solution that makes it possible to manage article L 411-9-3 as of now.
Sole article
I. - After article L. 411-9 of the Environment Code, articles L. 411-9-1 to L. 411-9-3 are inserted, as follows:
"Art. L. 411-9-1. - I. - Within the framework of the plans mentioned in article L. 411-9, a national plan to combat the Asian hornet is instituted which determines:
"1° The national guidelines and monitoring indicators for the surveillance, prevention and destruction actions implemented by the local plans for combating the Asian hornet defined in II ;
"2° The classification of departments into categories according to
damage caused by the presence of the species;
"3° Funding allocated to research into effective control tools;
"4° Financial support for local and regional authorities in the context of
local plans for combating the Asian hornet as provided for in II, in accordance with the classification provided for in 2°.
"It is drawn up by the State in consultation with representatives of
local and regional authorities, socio-economic players directly affected by the endangerment of pollinators, environmental protection organisations, health protection associations and members of the scientific community.
"II. - The departmental plan to combat the Asian Hornet is drawn up by
the State representative in the département in consultation with the president of the département council, representatives of the communes and their groupings, socio-economic players directly affected by the endangerment of pollinators, environmental protection organisations, the French Biodiversity Office and nature users.
"The departmental plan implements the national plan provided for in I. The departmental
plan is renewed each time the national plan is modified.
"Art. L. 411-9-2. - Any legal occupier of a plot of land in which there is an Asian hornet nest is required to declare this nest to the representative of the State in the département. Where necessary, the latter shall destroy the nest or have it destroyed.
"Art. L. 411-9-3. - Any damage caused by the Asian hornet to an
commercial apiary shall give rise to a right to compensation commensurate with the damage. The fixed amounts of compensation and the methods of calculating compensation are set by joint order of the ministers responsible for the environment and agriculture, issued after consultation with representatives of beekeepers."
II - Any financial consequences resulting from I for local and regional authorities are offset, to the same extent, by an increase in the overall operating allowance.
III. - The loss of revenue resulting for the State from I and II is offset, to the same extent, by the creation of an additional tax to the excise duty on tobacco provided for in Chapter IV of Title I of Book III of the code of taxes on goods and services.
https:// www.beesforlife.fr/( Nearly one million people already served by our applications in France and Switzerland )
- Elected representatives of town halls and other local authorities, private individuals A REALITY Asian hornets have been present in France for 20 years!
- The proposed law to curb the proliferation of the Asian hornet and preserve the beekeeping industry: Join the BeesForLife Petition